Saturday, August 1, 2009

Swim Lessons and Lake Chelan

If you read last month's entry, I made the comment about the cheap target pool not being able to handle the 3 year old fury . . . well the inflatable slide gave up the ghost, but never fear, Audrey quickly found a replacement "launching pad".

Poor Sam still hasn't been invited in to the big kid pool. He doesn't seem to mind . . . who would want an incoming 45 pound 3 yearl old messing with your surf anyway.

In preparation to a trip to Lake Chelan we put Audrey in swim lessons. While the 1st day was a shocker (the teacher drags all the kids off the diving board and forces their head under water) she was a champ by the end.

Flash forward to the pool at Lake Chelan and you can see she had the basics down. The kicking and screaming trying to stay out of the pool on the 1st day of swim lessons turned to kicking and screaming when it was time to get out of the pool at Lake Chelan.

Who would want out when mom is this fun!

Sam finally made it to the big kid pool! Well done Sam, now KICK!

In classic Audrey fashion she made a new best friend immediately. Meet Brooke. Every single time we go to a park, event, grocery store, or gas station Audrey immediately seeks out any girl within a few years of her age and introduces herself. I'm serious. Just tonight we took the ferry home from Kingston and she met a little girl on board. She cried for 10 minutes when we had to return to our cars because she was going to miss "her very best friend".

Look at mom swimming around the lake with Audrey and Brooke (Audrey's best friend (best Lake Chelan friend))! Anyone that knows Lisa's aversion to cold water knows what a feat this is.

Sam's lake time was better spent at the playground just off the lake. Anytime we got near the lake Sam would decide to eat the sand. Boy genius.

100 degrees = immediate ice cream cone purchase. While Audrey is all for tasting mommy's chocolate chip mint, Lisa looks a little leary of diving into Audrey's Cotton Candy flavor. I don't blame her.

Packed up and headed home . . . pretty sure the kids enjoyed the week. Is there any better road trip when your kids are in this mode? "Honey, where are we going?" "Who cares, we can actually have an adult conversation!".

Sam is getting a little more love from Audrey these days which is very sweet.

"Come here bubby, I'm gonna give you a little squeeze."

"Gee thanks big sis, you're the best . . . do you think I can play in the big kid pool tomorrow?"

"Not a chance diaper boy, just keep smiling for the camera."