As you can see from the picture above, being 4 years old opens up your world to a whole knew batch of leisurly activities (Yep, uncle Tim has a fully stocked pond on his property). Would you believe that she landed a fish less than 5 minutes in?
Quick quiz . . . can anyone identify one choking hazzard for Sam on the table above? Okay, how about 17 choking hazzards? Still too easy? Don't worry, Audrey has promised to "Put them in their bed every night . . . I promise".
We've referred to Sam's ever growing toddler mullet before. I was telling Lisa that we shouldn't cut it and let the top grow in to meet up with the back (perhaps I'm jealous of growing hair?). I do believe after seeing this picture that I was arguing a very weak case.
Pretty sure I didn't have an awesome Blue Angel chair to sit in when I was a kid. Lisa and I were singing "You've Lost that Loving Feeling" from Top Gun the whole time. I think he's more like Iceman but Lisa likes Goose. The hair stylist was not impressed.
In the end mommy knew best and the haircut looks pretty good on our "he looks nothing like a baby anymore, so let it go already" baby boy.
Who doesn't love being a tourist in their own town? You really do learn a lot on these kind of adventures. One caveat . . . the tour guide sold Bremerton to a group of ladies thinking it was Bainbridge. He told them it was a 30 minute ferry ride to Bremerton and they could have dinner and watch the sun set as it reflected back on the city. Pretty sure they were a little upset when they drifted into Bremerton.
Or perhaps they didn't hear him because of all the quacking? I felt like I was at the UofO on a Saturday afternoon!
"Not sure about these new binky's mom, maybe I am ready to give them up".
When Audrey was born Lisa joined a mom's group. They are still going strong and meet very regularly. Here are the kids at the group 4 year old birthday party.
And here they are with the addition of siblings. Nearly all families have now "doubled-down" with two even adding a third (in less than 4 years? that's crazy talk). It's so sweet to see all the kids piled on their mother's laps. Can anyone see Audrey and Sam cuddling? Yep, still not happening. She was up quicker than a flag on the fourth of July when she saw him coming.