Sunday, March 2, 2008

Audrey's Wardrobe

You will notice a recurring theme to this month's blog . . . Audrey's wardrobe. We are now washing nearly daily as she is fairly adamant that only her "cinderella dress" (aka santa photo dress), "soccer jersey", or "ballerina dress" are worth wearing. Sometimes she puts them all together.

Here she is mid-jump in her ballerina dress and "glass slippers". They look more fuzzy than glass to me, but I know better than to argue with a 2 year old.

Close up of the "sparkly's" adorning the ballerina dress.

Woodland Park Zoo has an indoor facility with climbing rocks and a whole lot more for those rainy Seattle days. It really is a wonderful way to let the kids burn some energy when the park isn't an option.

Needless to say, Audrey's pretty excited for the new Flamingo exhibit opening May-08.

Notice the ballerina dress under the soccer jersey?

The second the rain lifted we headed out to see some 3 dimensional "aminals". Unfortunately the first one Audrey saw was Mickey Mouse. Of course she set out a dead run ignoring my informational talk about how this wasn't her Mickey and that hers was safe at home. The poor girl up ahead had no idea what was about to hit her.

I got her settled in and headed over to her favorite . . the giraffe feeding cages. One problem living so close to the zoo is that she now thinks these types of animals are common place. No real excitement here.

Yes Audrey, this is the look you should use when there are actually animals in view.

Relaxing before bedtime with a little p-corn and milk.

The kid loves the tub. She has learned that she doesn't have to get out until her fingers look like raisins. It's approximately 27 minutes for those who are curious.

Here comes baby brother!

Audrey still isn't too excited about baby brother. Sharing isn't going to be easy.

100% girl.

So excited for the next five minutes of her life.

After one bite of that cream cheese frosting she knew milk had to be in the equation.

Okay, back at it.

Anytime there is a cake, it must be someone's birthday. No, well let's just pretend it's mine.

Maybe not. Not sure how she managed to slingshot it across the table, but well done Audrey.

Relaxing with mommy.

Relaxing with Mickey.

My least favorite pic of Audrey of all time. I can't believe she takes up the entire love seat.

Another day, another cup-cake. Another day, same cinderella dress.

Lisa and I managed our first two-nighter away from Audrey (yes, we're those people). Auntie Sooz got married up at semiahmoo and Lisa was in the wedding. It was a beautiful day and she was a beautiful bride. Here she is sneaking up on her man Nick for the first time in her dress.

And here is Nick's reaction. Smart guy!

It was a beautiful wedding and this was the sunset that greated all as we left the ceremony.

Here's Audrey's idea of accessorizing the cinderella dress. Oh my lanta. The funny thing is Lisa was reluctant to spend $30 on a santa dress that Audrey would wear one time and probably hate. You could say we got our $30+ and shouldn't complain, but seriously, it's every day!

1 comment:

Ames said...

"So excited for the next five minutes of her life."

What a great quote. Can't wait to meet baby brother. And, I agree with Audrey...sharing is overrated.