Tuesday, April 1, 2008

I never asked for a little brother!

OH NO! A little brother?! Maybe I can scare him away with my "monster face"!

Didn't work? Fine, I'm outta here! Dad, can I borrow the Nordy's card?

He's still here? Maybe my new fairy wand and cape (thanks Grammy) will make him disappear. Abra-Cadabra!

Look, I turned baby brother into a pretty annual arrangement.

The only thing that can cheer Audrey up more than an ice cream cone is her BFF Sydney. I found myself saying what every kid's 3rd grade hall monitor said "It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt". Unbelievably this ended up being a 5 minute giggle session with no tears. Audrey certainly needed it!

Here is Lisa portraying the pain that no man will ever have to endure.

And here is Dad stealing the first kiss. What a jerk.

Audrey's initial reaction was quite positive.

Her second was "He's still here, I'm so over him!".

While my eyes are nailed on Sam, I think Audrey's are focused a little higher.

She will no doubt be a great big sister.

Okay, before anyone dials up child protective services . . . Sam had a pretty good case of jaundice. They sent us home and said if it should happen to get sunny to strip him down and put him in front of a window in the direct sunlight. If nothing else it's proof that the sun does shine at least once every other March in Seattle.

The first meal out simply had to be burgers, or as Audrey puts it "let's go to the hanga-bur store!".

Anyone that's seen Audrey at the dinner table knows that a simple burger has no chance with her. That's a solid patty up there!

All in all, week one with little brother went well. Eyes are still blue and Daddy still drys her hair after each bath. Maybe her world isn't collapsing after all.

1 comment:

janna said...

Congratulations Sekora family! He is gorgeous!
Lisa we need to get together soon!