Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Sibling Love


Audrey is really enjoying her little brother, even throwing out a "he's so sweet!" sometimes . . .

. . . sometimes! I remember being at least 12 years old before I tried this move on my big sister. Well done Sammy.

To Audrey's credit she maintained a good camera pose while countering Sam's left fist with a quick slap down.

For any babysitter's out there, ice cream cones are Audrey's weakness and should be used in any sort of bribery situation. They will never diminish in value with her.

About here she realizes that either a face wash or bath is iminent . . .

. . . bath it is.

Sam tends to be wide-eyed about half the time. Good thing he got mom's beautiful eyes!

For those of you who have seen Audrey over the last 7 months you are familiar with the brown dress above. I'm happy to announce that it has been retired and this is the last time you will see her in it. Whoo-hoo!

There is no emotion more irrational than a parent's pride in their children's accomplishments. Of course Lisa and I think we have a little Picasso on our hands based on Audrey's drawing above. Little do we know 2-year olds should probably be drawing teeth and ears along with their faces, but at this point we'll just continue to wallow in our ingorance and be proud none-the-less.

1 comment:

Jessica Zevely said...

Oh my goodness Tony! Thank you for updating this, you do such a great job! I'm sooooooooo happy to see that Audrey is doing so well with her baby bro. I can't wait to babysit them together!

Give them big squeezes from their Auntie Jessica!