It's tough to miss as there is a 40 foot chicken that guards the entrance. As Calie pointed out, you know you've moved out of the city when directions to your house include "turn right after you pass the big chicken". I'm never at risk of missing it as every time we pass it (which is often as it's on the way to I-405) Audrey screams out "BU-KAWWWW!!!!!".
The train ride is a must when we go to "The Village". Of course, out of all the "open air" options for train cars, Audrey has to be in the caboose. While I look comfortable, it's an extremely bumpy ride once we hit the trail. At least seventeen times (the number of head bumps I experienced) I realized that the caboose is not the equivalent of first class on Alaska.
Angie threw a little Labor Day get together at the lake. It's great that the kids are old enough to enjoy popsicles and fun in the sun.
Our little girl has graduated to a booster seat. And we were actually worried she might not like it.
Sam is not shy with the smiles. He's such a good kid. Why doesn't he sleep?
The Disney princess addiction is still going strong. Though I think we are on track to be a butterfly for Halloween so perhaps it's waning?
"My sister is amazing! I don't know what Thanksgiving is, but I'm on board! Gimmee, gimmee, gimmee one of those olives!".