Saturday, January 10, 2009


This year at Santa's house, Audrey got a little bonus time as they switched photographers during her visit. It took a shockingly long time for the new photographer to get the lighting right, so Audrey got to get up close and personal with Santa. Santa actually got frustrated with the photographer and took a couple of cheap shots saying "I had the line down to nothing before you got here!". Awkward? Very!

Audrey loved her bonus time, but thank goodness we didn't find ourselves in this scenario two years earlier as evidenced by the photo below . . .

This picture still breaks my heart, but I'm sure all little kids have a version of this photo.

Lisa joined a mom's group when Audrey was born. Unbelievably they still get together monthly (if not more). Although I have to say the get togethers represent more of a "wine night" minus the kids than the playdates that used to be more prevalent. However, as a dad I realize the value in these getaways. A happy mommy is a happy family.

At the last playdate Santa made an appearance. If you are wondering if Audrey takes more after daddy or mommy, here is evidence that not even Santa can pull her away from a craft table. Mommy it is!

Sam noticed Audrey's affinity for Santa and thought he'd take a shot at getting noticed. Well played Sam.

Don't be fooled by the book, it's the nearness of Audrey that's driving his smile.

Every once in awhile she obliges him with a little attention. Thank you Audrey.

That is when she's not feeding one of her stuffed animals of course. It's funny to see how nuturing she can be to them but not her little brother, but I suppose that is pretty typical.

Leading up to Christmas Audrey kept claiming that "It's not Christmas yet because there's no snow". Thank you to every Christmas book and show that makes this fact abundantly clear to a 3 year old. Thank goodness we got our share this year. I think Audrey was even ready for it to go by the end!

Sam is slowly adding "boy" themed toys to his collection. I don't mean to be to worried about stereotypes, but I think 90% of his options today are pink. I'm a huge fan of hand-me-downs, but at some point he needs some primary colors!

And thank goodness the kitchen is a cross-over, to be used by either the future Rachel Ray or Bobby Flay.

Sam absolutely loves the bath, which I think is pretty typical for little ones. Audrey always wants to help out . . by dumping water over his head. We simply have to say "Audrey won't it be fun when you can both bathe together" which makes her promptly turn and run out of the bathroom not to be seen again until Sam is safely in his pajamas. (note the pink watering can)

Sam has begun his "military crawl". No leg action yet, but he's surprisingly mobile on his forearms. This was supposed to be a picture in front of the tree. Lisa and I are headed to Babies R Us as I finish this so we can get a baby-gate. Lisa's days just got a little tougher . . sorry hon, but he is pretty cute.

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