Saturday, July 17, 2010

Pre-K Graduation & Pre-Chelan Swim Lessons

Here's Audrey making sure her pre-K graduation pose is caught on camera.

To quote every parent, everywhere . . . "it feels like the school year just started!". I spared the photo of Lisa with tears streaming down her cheeks. I thought it was cute how proud she was. Lisa did a good job of not hinting that the tears were really a result of the fact that Audrey would no longer be going to school three days a week. As parents, we now realize the irony of what schools call summer "vacation".
For father's day I received a pillow-case with the above photo scanned on. It finds its way into my suitcase when I travel. I absolutely love it. You can't tell in the picture above, but Sam's forehead is absolutely huge when blown-up to pillow-case size. I'm hoping it's due to a large brain vs. a blockhead. Jury is definitely still out.
When we moved to suburbia we got rid of all of our yard tools. We figured our yard would be so small that we wouldn't need anything of substance. Oops. We are now slowly adding back said tools. Good news that we now have a male in the house that might actually have some mechanical ability. Lisa was getting tired of assembling everything.
Prior to heading to Chelan (pictures next month) we sent Audrey back to swim lessons. Suzy, the instructor, has been doing this for like 50 years. As you can see, the kids do not have a say in IF they are going to dive. It's amazing how quickly kids get over their fears when they are forced to face them. Oh, and having someone other than their parents do the dirty work helps too!
Like I said, they go from not wanting to jump in off the side of the pool to having no problem diving off the diving board. We just got back from Chelan and Audrey was an absolute fish. While having your kid take swim lessons from a hard nosed teacher at her private pool in Medina comes at a price (yes, I'm cheap), it made our vacation exponentially more enjoyable. Once again, Lisa knew what was best for the family. Thanks Honey.

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