Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A Month of Firsts!

I took the kids on their first official "self propelled" hike this past month. A LOT of hemming and hawing about "why can't we go to the park instead", "it's going to be sooo boring", "why do you hate us", etc. preceded the event. The promise of rock throwing into a creek was the only thing that got them started.

Audrey was smart enough to sense any threat of nettles and sticker bushes, politely giving Sam the lead. Smart girl! He, on the other hand, was oblivious to the obvious ploy. At least he's cute! : )

While they started to enjoy the obstacles, they were beginning to doubt the promise of rock throwing. "Good things come to those who wait kids". "What?". "Never mind".

WATER! I was actually starting to worry that my credibility was going to take a hit.

Dumb luck had me put their rain boots on before heading out. I guarantee I would have had to carry Sam out had he gotten his feet wet. Phew!

I on the other hand did not wear rain boots. I had to rely on Audrey's common sense to not go too far. I mean, I wasn't going to get my feet wet!

Sadly Sam's boots are the low-rise variety. While we make fun of his intelligence on a regular basis, score one for him to know his "boot limit".

We had a great little hike and they are now hooked. And by hooked I mean they might complain a little less the next time I drag them onto a trailhead.

Audrey had her first field trip this month. The trip was to a local farm. Buddy system was definitely in effect. Luckily, her buddy was her best friend in her class, Erin.

Okay girls, "buddy system" means you need to hold hands while outside the bus.

Yep, no chance one of these two is wandering off.

Lisa decided we should do a last minute staycation for Memorial Day. "Uh, what?". "Well Tony, it's where we get a hotel room in Bellevue and play tourist in our own backyard". "Oh yeah, that sounds great. Uh, what?".

It turned out to be a great weekend. We started by taking the kids to Snoqualmie Falls. The Falls are beautiful this spring. Audrey was "vice grip" tight on me. While it looks very pleasant, the back spray from the falls had us all soaked within 10 minutes.

Sam on the other hand had no fear. He literally wanted to "jump in da wader" from the lookout. I fear his teenage years!

Here he is trying to climb the fence. Knucklehead.

Prior to the start of the "staycation" Lisa commented that it will be great to force the kids to enjoy each other. And here's proof that once agan Lisa knows best. I think Audrey's comment was "someone has to make sure he doesn't kill himself!".

After the falls we headed into the small town and hit the candy store followed by the train museum. The candy store we knew about, the train museum was a bonus. Wow, staycations are kinda fun.

Evidence photo #2 that the kids actually enjoy each other when forced. Lisa's legend grows.

The train behind the kids does a 90 minute circle through the cascades. We were about to jump on when a family departing the the train said "No bathrooms on board". Abort, abort! Staycation disaster diverted. Phew.

By the time we reached the hotel in Bellevue the kids actually thought they were a world away from home. The lap pool that I'm sure serves the business travelers during the week was packed with kids.

I was shocked to hear how many people there were locals taking a staycation. Am I that naive?

The real surprise was the two families Lisa met from Mercer Island that stay at the hotel once a quarter. What? I will say they offered Lisa a beer from their 18 pack of Coors Light so this clearly wasn't their first rodeo.

"Now Sam, it's okay to jump on the hotel bed, but you know you can't do this at home right?".

"Audrey, check me out. Can you handle this?".

"Oh yes, yes I can. Sam, you mess with the bull, you get the horns!".

To end the night, we took them to a "fancy dinner in the city". Well, Maggiano's at BelSquare is about as fancy as we're willing to go with these two monsters.

There's no doubt where Sam gets his blue eyes.

Audrey's comment on the restaurant "Daddy, they make the best bread". Oh Audrey, we really need to get you out more.

Sam started to get a little rambunctious. What do parents do nowadays in this situation . . .

. . . give your kid the iPhone of course. It really is the best silencer out there.

Wiped-out kids in the hotel room = total staycation success. We had a great time and I'm now 100% on board with these little "getaways".

In a follow-up note, Audrey took the "Serenity - Do Not Disturb" door hanger and it now resides on her bedroom door. I only wish I would have thought of that!

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