Sunday, January 15, 2012

Christmas - Bavarian Style

I'm not sure what Santa told them, but those are the faces of kids that think they're getting more than coal in their stocking.

We're definitely at the age where Audrey can be very helpful. In other words, she's past the stage where she thinks she's being "helpful", but really you have to redo whatever task you've delegated to her and it takes you twice as long. Lisa would argue I'm still in the "helpful" stage.

Sam doesn't even qualify for the "helpful" stage. He's still in the "don't touch anything" stage. Here he's claiming he will cast a spell and the tree will be done. ABRA-CADABRA!!!!


We tagged along with good friends on their holiday tradition and went to Leavenworth for a couple of nights. My previous experience in Leavenworth was a LOT of drive by's and one Oktoberfest. Safe to say, this place is on its game in December. The town hadn't seen snow since Thanksgiving, so the small sledding hill in town was actually just a series of ice-chutes. Bring it on said Sam! Faster, faster!!!

Ice down the back of my pants?! Who cares, let's do it again!

Little miss cautious on the other hand decided that the "snow" was unfit for sledding. "Dad, snow is actually soft. This is not soft, so this is not snow".

A day later, and maybe a bribe or two later . . . she jumped on. It's safe to say when these kids are teenagers and we get a call from the school or heaven forbid the "authorities", we'll be 99% sure who the call is about.

The classic "Hey this is fun . . . why was I so scared" smile.

Okay, maybe a sleigh ride was one of the bribes to get Audrey on the sled. : )

Oh Leavenworth . . . where else are you going to get random table side visits from Father Christmas?!

Dylan and Dalanie, great neighborhood friends of the kids. The danger with friend vacations is a simple family vacation is going to seem downright boring.

Sam and Dalanie led the restaurant in a rousing rendition of the Chicken Dance. Sure, it's fun at a randmon wedding. But a live accordian in a Bavarian restaurant is tough to beat.

In the classic "arranged marriage" joke, here go Sam and Dalanie with their wedding coordinator to talk rates at the Enzian Inn for a December 2037 wedding. I mean, they already know how to bring down the house with the Chicken Dance!

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