Monday, May 4, 2009


Lisa and I had never actually been to the Tulip Festival in LaConner, which is fairly surprising being that we both grew up in the Skagit Valley. We have both driven by the fields, in full bloom, no less than twenty times. Chalk yet another event up to "things change when you have kids". Actually, a girly-girl 3 yearl old.

We were actually on our way up to Anacortes for the day to visit cousin Kyla, but couldn't simply drive by when Audrey noticed the flowers. While the fields were probably only 25% in bloom, they were still beautiful. Plus, catching your 3 year old stopping to smell the Tulips is priceless.
Apparently tip-toeing through the Tulips is tiring? Fine kids, we get the picture, let's go to cousin Kyla's already!

While in Anacortes we went out to Washington Park with auntie Kristin and cousin Kyla. I know this picture is a little distant, but I simply love seeing Audrey against that backdrop. It makes her seem so small, which I have a feeling I'm going to hold onto longer than I should.

This on the other hand is Lisa's favorite picture. Audrey is officially at the age where she has to pick every single "landy-lion" she sees for "Mommy to put in a vase". She can definitely turn on the charm when she thinks she needs to.

Audrey hit another major milestone this past month . . . number 2 in the potty. While we have been bribing her for 6 months, she remembered (above all others) the promise of a trip to the banana-split store. That white dress had zero chance against that sundae.
Turns out bribes don't really work. The clincher, and in hind-sight the obvious move, was to simply take away the pull-ups. (We spared you photo proof).

If you haven't seen the kids in a while, this photo is their world in a nut-shell. Audrey flies into the room, catches Sam's attention bringing an instant smile to his face, then turns and flies back out of the room before he can get near her. Stay tuned for next month as Sam has put together 4 to 5 steps at a time. Her world is safe for now, but will be rocked soon enough. His little smile above is almost "knowing" of this fact. Go get her Sammy!

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