Here we go! Kindergarten baby! I'm imagining the little minds above are thinking something along the lines of:
Sam: Okay Audrey, out of here already! It's my turn for some one-on-one time with Mommy.
Audrey: Whatever Sam, I can't get out of here quick enough. I love mommy, but I'm going to school baby!

Nothing like best friends at the bus stop. Aniston and Dylan (above with Sam) are neighbors and are in the 1st grade. Needless to say, having them at the bus stop made things so easy.

Ah, there goes our little girl. Nothing makes you nostalgic like seeing your kids going to school. I can still remember my elementary school bus driver JoAnn. If you were misbehaving, she would smile her creepiest smile and threaten you with "sugar". Which of course meant she would kiss you. We would all squeal and immediately sit in our seats. Not sure "sugar" would fly as punishment these days!

Flashing back to Audrey's smile above, perhaps she knew exactly what "alone time with mom" entailed!

Ah, this is more in-line with Sam's expectations.

Audrey and her girlfriend Sydney rocked the State Fair in Monroe this year. Off Audrey goes on her first roller coaster ride. All smiles until the coaster pulled away . . . and then it was sheer screaming panic for the next 3 minutes. I believe NEVER AGAIN was the post ride comment.

What can cure a kid that doesn't think they like the fair? Fair food of course. Cotton candy, followed by a caramel apple, chased with a snow cone. Maybe the fair isn't so bad afterall.

After seeing that child labor is apparently acceptable in our household, I figured I would up the ante. It's funny how things can't be loud enough for Sam. Audrey used to cry the entire time I mowed. Sam absolutely loves the noise and cries if he can't help out.

Lisa and I celebrated our 10 year in September. Whoo-hoo! We snuck away to the Woodmark in Kirkland and wondered why the heck we haven't been here before. Why drive and hour or two away when you have a great venue right in our backyard. Book us again honey . . . soon!

Every once in awhile you see a photo that makes you realize your kids are growing up. This one, for me anyway, says that he clearly isn't our baby anymore. Oh Sam, slow down kiddo.
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